Roger Davies Art School Workshops

I've been lucky enough to have been invited into a few Junior & Infant Schools to conduct art workshops with the pupils. I've found these to be extremely rewarding and enjoyable and thankfully so have the children.

I usually take part in a whole school assembly and present a slide show featuring a selection of my work and I tell the pupils all about my paintings and answer any questions they have. Then I spend time with particular classes and I demonstrate how I make a painting: first sketching with pencil, then finalising the drawing with charcoal and then applying the paint.

We all work on the same subject, usually it's a local landmark which the children are familiar with. The results have always been brilliant and it's been a pleasure to be able to share my enthusiasm for art with the pupils.

If you're a teacher and might like me to visit your school, please get in touch as I'd be happy to discuss arranging a workshop with you.

Here are a few photographs of artwork which has been made by some of the children who have taken part so far:

Workshop Pic 5.jpg

Roger Davies Art Colouring Books: A Closer Look


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